How to get attached with the children 

If you want little children to come towards you then there are many ways available which you can use to get attached with the children. If the child is playing with the toys and if you show any new toys or any new materials then every children’s is eager to get the toys so they move on towards you. If you show your hands by hiding then they will run to open it and get it from you and if you give chocolate which the children like the most then the children come to you by running with more enjoyment to get it. When you call the children just without anything then it won’t come but the babies move from the places to towards you when you give any sound or showing of anything to get and the child comes with a smile. If the parents went out for a job or out of station and returned home after a long time then the children would run towards the parents happily. If the children see admirable things which they ever seen in their life then they will run to the place and if the children saw anything different from the moving clouds then they will be following the clouds. At the children’s age, they are more active and they take things more literally so they come to the place unknowingly and if any strangers show the chocolate and call the children towards them then they will be moved towards the strangers without thinking of anything. 

The children while growing up won’t listen to the elders, the parent’s want little children to come towards their affection and love but the children don’t take the things serious in their life. The children enjoy their life happily and they run here and there in the home and play with other kids with a group or the children do some activity by themselves like drawing. If the children were in the mood of upset and sitting alone and not responding properly then if you give their favorite then they run towards you with an enjoyment. If the children are beaten up by any elders and any misunderstanding between any children or any other person in the family the children feel very badly and sit in any empty place. If any favorite person of the child like uncle or aunty or any other relation then the children come to the person immediately and enjoy the right moment by forgetting the worries. If the children win any one of the competitions in the schools and return home then they run to the parents to share their happiness of winning. If the babies were doing anything special like start to walk or try to speak one or two words then the parents would encourage them to give practice and if the babies started to move from one place to another towards the parents then parents would show their hands to come towards them.

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