City Education: Providing Good Education in Inner City

When it talks about a good city education, what do you think are some famous schools that usually need a lot of money to get in? However, not all people can afford those good educations because of their financial ability. After all, a good education is the most important civil right that can help to fight against poverty

For some financial reasons, people who live in the inner city are not having the same opportunities in education as the people who live in other places. However, there is a solution for them to get a good education that is the partnership for inner city education.

City Education: Struggling of Education in Inner City

Living in the inner city will affect everyone who lives there, old people, young working class members, but it will not affect them as much as children. To grow up as children in the inner city is not an easy thing. They don’t have enough facilities to get a good life. For the children there, education is the only way for them to get a better life. However, if the children can’t have the same education opportunities as the other kids it will be hard for them to have a better life 

Some studies show that socio-economic status of a student’s family is the strongest thing that can affect the student’s educational achievement. So, children in the inner city that are generally known to have low socio-economic status are facing a big obstacle to reaching their educational achievement. Education is important to all people to give self-confidence, motivation, the right attitude, and knowledge for any field like mathematics, science, or technology that they need for their quality skills.

City Education: Partnerships to support Better Education in Inner City

To support inner city education, there are some partnerships or organizations that can help the children to get a proper education. Most of them are established to offer low-income students the academic preparation skills and values that they will need to reduce poverty and live a productive life. One of the partnerships that you can find is partnerships for inner-city education. That partnership is an organization that has already worked with the inner city parochial school in New York for more than twenty years. The partnership is now focusing on a school management organization that operates six schools that are in the south Bronx and Harlem. Besides that organization, there are many other organizations like that that you can find.

All in all, what we know about education and poverty teach us that it is difficult to make a long-lasting change in a relationship between educational outcomes and child poverty. Children who live in the inner city are facing this problem due to their financial ability and limited access to get a good education. Because of that problem, people set up organizations and foundations to help them to get a good education so they can increase the level of their life quality. Their main goal is to encourage the children to get a good city education regardless of their cultural background and financial condition.

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