Department of Education: For Giving Proper Education for Everyone 

The Department of Education is a department that takes care of the education and anything related to the education. When it comes to education, there would be plenty of things which needed to be taken care of including the education system in all levels of education, any obstructions related to the education, the development of the education centre, and many more things to do. ED or generally known as DoED is an abbreviation of United States Department of Education. This education department is a cabinet level department in the United States government system. 

The Functions of the Educational Department 

The Department of Education Organization Act was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on October 17, 1979. This Public Law had started to operate on May 4, 1980. As a matter of fact, there are several other departments in the body of the Department of Education Organization Act, including Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Department of Education, and Department of Health and Human Services. Basically, the smallest level of the cabinet department consists of about 5000 employees.

Talking about the Department of Education also means that we are talking about its functions for society. Initially, the main function of this department is to establish policy for, to administer as well as to coordinate the federal assistance of education. Furthermore, it has also functioned as an organisation to collect data on US schools, to enforce educational laws with regard to privacy and civil rights. For more information, the system of education in the United States is different from any other countries in the world as well as the department of education and training. 

All about the Education System and the Mission of the Educational Department 

The education system in the United States has decentralised, and both the Department of Education and the federal government are not too involved in deciding curricula in schools or any educational standards. However, the control for the quality of the educational institutions is basically similar to other countries all around the world. The quality of the educational institutions and its degrees has been maintained by such a private process which is generally known as accreditation. . Besides all those goals and the education system, now we are strictly talking about the mission of this educational department. Actually, the mission of the educational department in the United States is to promote both preparations to a global competitiveness as well as students’ achievement by ensuring such equal access for everyone and by fostering educational excellence. For more, since it is also a member of the Interagency Council of Homelessness, the Department of Education also has a goal for getting proper education for homeless and runaway youth around the United States.

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