Tremendous qualities required to make a good teacher

Teaching is one of the extremely rewarding professions and respective jobs which are very demanding both physically and mentally. A good teacher has always possessed a powerful desire to help the students and make them achieve success. Usually, the teaching assistant will help the students by devising their own lesson plans as well as help them to succeed in any way. What makes a good teacher to become an effective teacher; one must attain several good qualities. Some of the many good qualities to make a good teacher are a strong connection with the students, better communication, love for teaching, set some goals and expectations, to reflect on teaching styles, supportive in their actions and attitude, life happiness and be a good indicator in the past performance and achievements. 

Other than classroom skills, there are many things to being a good teacher. Nowadays, the majority of parents are looking for qualified teachers with good subject knowledge to teach their children. The skillful teachers are having the ability to make lessons more interesting and convey it to students in an understandable way. The subject knowledge alone is not only for quality teachers, but also expertise to teach the students in the most convenient and comfortable way. A good teacher should possess excellent subject knowledge and desired skills to take the class. One of the most important things for every teacher is personality which partly acts and its ability helps greatly to the students. The teacher with good discipline will be able to control the class and can achieve more. 

To be a good teacher, the discipline has to come first. Usually, the good teachers are very hard working people and put more effort into preparing lessons, marking work and spending more time with the children who require it. The kind of teacher is able to manage stress and passion about their children, students and other pupils. They are capable of keeping track of individuals, easily switching from one class to another in a few seconds, managing record keeping and maintaining databases. They also have certain classroom skills and are able to give some training to the students from the first day of teaching. However the main thing required for a good teacher is a better organization to explore them.  

The high expectations of their pupils are the major characteristic of all the good teachers in which their attitude sets everything to be followed. What makes a good teacher the excellent teachers have provided better effort and effective teaching quality for the children in the most effective way. To become a good teacher, one must require 30% subject knowledge, 30% personality, 30% high level of expectations and 10% classroom skills. Among these, the last but not least required is the subject of teacher training. Therefore, good teaching is about being flexible, rigid, experimenting, and having more confidence to react in any circumstances. The best teaching is also being recognized and rewarded and makes the person become better and great leadership. 

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