Top ten essential characteristics of a good teacher

When a man or woman wants to be a good teacher, he or she must have some essential characteristics to handle all kinds of students. Good teaching is a great passion of several graduates and they must improve their teaching skills better with these personal characteristics. If everyone knows what makes a good teacher, it will be good for their students and also their personal teaching career. It is all about not only motivating the students to learn, but also teaching them how to learn and how to improve themselves. If the teacher is good, his or her students will also be good in learning and all other activities. A great teacher should directly interact with each and every student and make them learn better with motivation. If he or she has a physically or mentally challenged student in the classroom, they must provide special care to them but treat others equally with others. Good teaching is also about substance and training the pupils as the consumers of the knowledge. 

Getting high marks and top ranks is not only for education. It is all about getting knowledge and being aware of entire concepts. It is the main job of the good teacher who has a great responsibility of making their students expertise in their field of education. When a teacher makes a bridge between the theory and practice of subjects and reduces their gap, it is a good thing. This is because practical knowledge is more important than theoretical knowledge. It is what makes a good teacher and shows their responsibility towards the students. First the teachers must understand each and every student personally by talking to and consulting with them. If some students need personal attention from the teacher, he or she has to give it to them. Good teaching is also about listening to the students, questioning them, being responsive, and remembering activities of each student. It is totally relevant to the eliciting responses and developing the oral communication skills of the silent students. 

In most of the cases, the quiet students do not get to participate in the skill development activities. A good teacher needs to provide special attention to such types of students and help to develop their skills as others. Some students may be inflexible and less confident during the class time. A great teacher should understand this condition of the students and handle them in the right manner. Treating every student according to their skill set and personality will be an essential responsibility to the teachers. The best teacher must not be strict at all times. Teaching with some entertainment options will be a good chance to make all the students listen to the subjects and understand them well. Humor is also a very important characteristic of the good teacher. Being happy always with humor will be good for handling all the students in a way they prefer. It is a secret of all teachers to understand students and make them learn as well.

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